Card Linked Offers

Card Linked Offers

Surprise and delight your cardholders with local merchant-funded offers, delivered instantly when they transact in-store using your branded virtual card

App screenshot

Link branded virtual cards to consumer-targeted offers including points, discounts and cashback

Create your own multi-merchant network of offers, available exclusively to cardholders when they transact in-store using your card

Issue a branded virtual card

Generate and issue branded virtual payment cards, keeping your brand at ‘top of mind’ each time consumers transact

Create your own marketplace

Invite merchants to provide discounts, points, or cashback to your cardholders for purchases made with their brand

Promote geo-targeted offers

Highlight offers that are within close proximity to your cardholders and drive traffic to relevant store locations

Issue & link scheme cards that harness loyalty

Generate single or multi-use virtual cards which can be issued and allocated to individual customers and embedded directly into any native mobile wallet.

  Maintain full control of promotional offers and benefits to customers, whilst establishing spending rules and limits that inspire purchasing behaviours and patterns.

  • On-demand, branded virtual and physical cards

  • Set and manage payment limits and campaigns

  • Expense management for business

  • Set custom controls for every user transaction

Harness the power of personalised & localised marketing

Target consumers with highly relevant, personalised and timely communications through location-based advertising, also known as Proximity Marketing. 

  Proximity Marketing takes traditional marketing to the next level, by targeting consumers based on their location and personal preferences, with communications and offers that are relevant to them.

  • Link offers to specific locations

  • Deliver personalised communications

  • Enable real-time, mobile notifications

Virtual cards + proximity marketing = increased engagement and spend

Invite local merchants and major brands to coexist in one branded marketplace, offering a range of card linked offers to your people when they transact in-store or online.

  Consumers will have the ability to see participating retailers within close proximity to their location via geo-location and mapping, and once in-store, will be rewarded with points, cashback or discounts for their brand loyalty.


Benefits for your brand and your people

Custom offer creation

Create your own Card Linked Offers and invite participating merchants to publish on your platform

Real-time data and reporting

Access live campaign analytics to monitor offer views, total redemptions and transaction amounts

Location based marketplace

Bring consumers back into brick and mortar retailers with offers that are redeemable in-store only

Effortless program management

Benefit from easy-to-use merchant on-boarding and offer creation templates

Let’s get started!

Ready to revolutionise the way your business accepts payments?

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